Clinical Trials of Arbaclofen for Autism: Try, Try Again
Paul Wang, M.D.
Please join us for the next presentation in our Duke Center for Autism Seminar Series. Dr. Paul Wang is a developmental-behavioral pediatrician who has worked in academia, in industry, and in the non-profit sector. As an academic at Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, he studied language and memory development, and worked with hundreds of children with autism or with genetic diagnoses. At Pfizer and Seaside Therapeutics, Dr. Wang led pioneering drug studies in autism and in Fragile X syndrome. Now at the Simons Foundation, Dr. Wang focuses on trial design for autism, the development and validation of outcome measures for these trials, and biomarker strategy for autism drug development. He frequently provides consultation to both academic and industry researchers. Dr. Wang has served in leadership positions for the American Academy of Pediatrics, the American Board of Pediatrics, INSAR, and other professional organizations. He is a federally-appointed member of the Interagency Autism Coordinating Committee, and has served on advisory panels for the NIH and FDA.
Lecture/Talk, Medicine, Research, Webcast