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More than a Feeling: Technology-infused Learning Environments for Social-emotional Learning


Shaundra Daily

Shaundra (Shani) B Daily is a professor of practice in Electrical and Computer Engineering & Computer Science at Duke University. Prior to joining Duke, she was a tenured associate professor at the University of Florida in the Department of Computer & Information Science & Engineering. Her research involves the design, implementation, and evaluation of technologies, programs, and curricula to promote justice, equity, diversity, and inclusion in STEM fields. Having garnered over $43M in funding from public and private sources to support her collaborative research activities, Daily's work has been featured in USA Today, Forbes, National Public Radio, and the Chicago Tribune. Daily earned her B.S. and M.S. in Electrical Engineering from the Florida Agricultural and Mechanical University - Florida State University College of Engineering, and a S.M. and Ph.D. from the MIT Media Lab.


Lecture/Talk, Natural Sciences, Panel/Seminar/Colloquium, Research, Social Sciences