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SocDev Brownbag


Mohammad Wiswall & Dr. Korrina Duffy

"Considering Within-Asian Group Variation Shapes Metastereotyping Outcomes" Speaker: Mohammad Wiswall (Duke University) "The Asian American demographic is incredibly diverse, whether it be culturally, linguistically, or ethnically. However, stereotyping research often overlooks Asian diversity by equating "Asian" with just East Asian (e.g., Chinese, Japanese and Korean), thus rendering other Asian subgroups such as South Asians (e.g., Bengali, Indian, and Pakistani) as invisible. In an attempt to empirically understand how controlling for Asian diversity may shape meta-stereotype (i.e., what I think you think about me) expectations based on gender, we compare the stereotype expectations of White people to the meta-stereotypes of East Asian and South Asian people. Within this talk, we discuss the implication of our results for interracial interactions between White majority members and Asian minority members." "A mini writing workshop to help make your scientific papers easier to write and more engaging to read" (Professional Development) Speaker: Dr. Korrina Duffy (University of Colorado) "The first part of this mini writing workshop breaks down the specific sections of a scientific paper (think: introduction, methods, results, discussion, conclusions) and how they map onto the structure of a story, with tips on how to make each section as compelling as possible. The second part provides an example of how to approach the writing process to make the process of drafting a scientific paper as efficient (and as unintimidating) as possible."


Brown Bag, Panel/Seminar/Colloquium, Social Sciences