Special Seminar: The Long and Short of Altered Translation in Fragile X

Emily Osterweil, PhD
Emily Osterweil is a Professor of Molecular Neuroscience and a Wellcome Trust Senior Research Fellow at the University of Edinburgh. She received her PhD in Neuroscience from Yale University, after which she joined the lab of Mark Bear at MIT to performed postdoctoral research on protein synthesis in synaptic plasticity. Her work identified altered mRNA translation as a core pathophysiology in Fragile X Syndrome, and led to the development of multiple novel therapeutic strategies. As an independent investigator at the University of Edinburgh she continues to identify alterations in mRNA translation that disrupt synaptic function in neurodevelopmental disorders. She has received multiple awards for her research, including junior and senior fellowships from the Wellcome Trust, new investigator awards from the MRC and Royal Society, and a Rising Star Fellowship from ONO Pharmaceuticals. She is also a founding investigator in the recently-established Simons Initiative for the Developing Brain (SIDB) at the University of Edinburgh.
Event will be in person and via zoom - to join via zoom:https://duke.zoom.us/j/98146568646 Passcode 866665
Lecture/Talk, Research