Bass Connections Student Stories: Gabrielle Graham

Through Bass Connections, I have had the opportunity to help build and implement a neuroscience curriculum for ninth graders in Durham public schools alongside six other Duke students.
Neuroscience ’18
Project Team
Upon reading about this project, I was excited because it aligned directly with my curricular interests: Neuroscience and Education, in an interactive and collaborative environment with the motivation of working towards a common goal.
Through Bass Connections, I have had the opportunity to help build and implement a neuroscience curriculum for ninth graders in Durham public schools alongside six other Duke students.
This project is so great because I feel that exposure to the subject in our current education systems is lacking, and that gaining insight into neuroscience earlier on might spark more students’ interest—I know, as a ninth grader, I definitely did not know what neuroscience was or that it existed. This program has enormous potential to have a positive impact on students, not only by exposing them to neuroscience earlier in their life, but by showing them how science can be applied in the real-world, hopefully inspiring them along the way.