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Congrats to Duke Grad Students, Trainees Who Submitted Posters!

Exhibition Part of Feb. 20 Symposium; Winners to Receive $100 Gift Card

The 2019 DIBS Distinguished Lecture & Symposium, featuring Josh Gordon, MD, PhD, Director, National Institute of Mental Health, will include a brain-sciences poster exhibition and contest as part of the Feb. 20 event.

More than 30 Duke grad students, postdoctoral fellows, resident physicians, and other Duke trainees have submitted posters. Two winners will be selected, one for basic-science research and the other for clinical research, and will each receive a $100 gift card.

Deadline for submission of posters was Friday, Jan. 25, at 5 p.m. ET. POSTER SUBMISSION IS NOW CLOSED. You may still register for the FREE symposium by clicking HERE [EDIT: Registration link is now closed].