Four Fall '17 Neuroscience Classes Rated in Top 5% by Students
A&S Academic Affairs Dean recognizes Hariri, Huettel, Samanez-Larkin, White
Four undergraduate Neuroscience courses taught in fall 2017 and their faculty have been rated by students as among the top 5 percent across the university, announced Dr. Arlie Petters, Duke’s Dean of Academic Affairs in the Trinity College of Arts and Sciences and Associate Vice Provost for Undergraduate Education. Dean Petters notified faculty whose fall 2017 courses were rated by students as among the top 5 percent across the college in the division and category of their courses, as rated by learner evaluations in the domains of Overall Rating of Course and Overall Rating of Instructor.
The courses and faculty recognized from among the courses in the Neuroscience catalog were:
- Ahmad Hariri, NEUROSCI 277 Looking Inside the Disordered Brain
- Scott Huettel, NEUROSCI 258 Decision Neuroscience
- Greg Samanez-Larkin, NEUROSCI 462S Neuroscience Applications for Everyday Decision Making
- Leonard White, NEUROSCI 380L Functional Anatomy of the Human Brain
“This is a great showing for our Neuroscience major,” said Dr. Leonard White, one of the faculty recognized. He is Associate Professor in Neurology and Co-Director, with Dr. Kevin LaBar, of Undergraduate Studies in Neuroscience. “It’s always nice to be recognized by your students.”
White, Hariri, Huettel and Samanez-Larkin are all members of the DIBS Faculty Network, and Huettel and White serve on the DIBS Faculty Governance Committee.