March 1 Deadline for DIBS Research Awards Letters of Intent
Incubator, Germinator Awards Available
The Duke Institute for Brain Sciences Faculty Governance Committee announced today (Feb. 1, 2018) that the application process for the Institute's competitive research awards is now open. There will be two award mechanisms: the Research Incubator Award and the new Research Germinator Award.
To apply for either funding mechanism, one-page Letters of Intent PDF) must be submitted by 5 p.m. ET on Thursday, March 1, to Dr. Nicole Schramm-Sapyta, DIBS Chief Operating Officer, at
Once Letters of Intent have been received and reviewed, applicants will be notified by March 5 whether they are approved to proceed to apply for the selected award. The proposals and applications will be due by 5 p.m. ET on Friday, June 1. Please see the DIBS Research Awards website [EDIT: Link no longer available] , which also includes separate links to award proposal/application forms (Word documents), for more information. You may also click on the the specific awards, below, to go to the Word documents for each.
Research Incubator Awards [EDIT: Link no longer available]
The DIBS Research Incubator Awards provide up to $100,000 for one year (non-renewable) to support interdisciplinary and collaborative brain science research within Duke. Projects should be of exceptional innovation and broad significance to the field. The projects must engage at least two faculty representing multiple fields or levels of analysis and bring together investigators whose individual programs of research are not already connected. The award is open to Duke faculty.
New! Research Germinator Awards [EDIT: Link no longer available]
The new DIBS Research Germinator Awards are designed to support smaller, targeted requests for training, pilot data, salary and/or equipment that would facilitate new research and lead to new external funding. Projects are awarded up to a maximum of $25,000 for one year, non-renewable. The award is open to Duke graduate students, postdocs and faculty.
Both awards serve the DIBS mission of advancing interdisciplinary research and education that transforms our understanding of brain function and translates into innovative solutions for health and society. To see past awarded projects, click here for information about the 2017-2018 Research Incubator Awards [EDIT: Link no longer available] .
Once letters of intent have been received and reviewed, applicants will be notified by March 5 whether they are approved to proceed to a full proposal for the selected award mechanism. The proposals and applications will be due by 5 p.m. ET on Friday, June 1.
If you have any questions, please contact Dr. Schramm-Sapyta at
DIBS Faculty Governance Committee
Geraldine Dawson, Chair
Alison Adcock
Nicole Calakos
Kafui Dzirasa
Tobias Egner
Warren Grill
Walter Sinnott-Armstrong
Fan Wang
Leonard White
Scott Huettel, ex officio
Steve Lisberger, ex officio
Nicole Schramm-Sapyta, ex officio