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Student Spotlight

Class of 2017

Hometown: Oak Brook, Illinois

Current research: I’m currently doing research in Dr. Greg Appelbaum’s P3 Lab. We’re working with the DiVE (Duke Immersive Virtual Environment), looking at sensorimotor learning in the context of virtual reality, while becoming certified to operate the DiVE and spending time on data analysis using both Matlab and SPSS.

My thoughts on neuroscience education: Neuroscience is an emerging field, and my most enlightening experiences as a neuroscience major at Duke have been working at the P3 Lab and taking smaller elective classes - my favorite being “Drugs and the Law” with Dr. Nicole Schramm-Sapyta. A deep understanding of the brain has enhanced my perspective on a wide array of topics including sports, racial prejudice and technology.

What jump-starts my brain: My studies in neuroscience and experience with virtual reality have led me to co-founding a startup company with two other undergraduate students. We are currently working on developing a product, and this is something I hope to pursue after college.

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