Duke Brain Institute Colloquium Schedule

Time/day: Fridays, 12:00 - 1:00 pm (unless noted otherwise)

Location: DIBS Cube, LSRC B035


Fall 2024

Time/day: Fridays, 12:00 - 1:00 pm (unless specified)

Location: DIBS Cube, LSRC B035


Aug 30

Sami Yousif, PhD

UNC Chapel Hill

Perceptual adaptation: What it is, what it isn't, and what it reveals about the mind and brain

Sept 6

Greg Cogan, PhD

Duke University

Decoding the Speaking Brain

Sept 13

Professional Development Workshop

Topic: DIBS Resources for neuroanatomy and encountering human brains

Sept 20

Community Development Workshop

Topic: The Culture of Science

Sept 27

Kelly Giovanello, PhD

UNC Chapel Hill

The status of episodic memory in children at familial risk for schizophrenia

Oct 11

Paulo Boggio, PhD

Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie

A Time for Moral Actions and Global Collaborative Research

Oct 18

Professional Development Workshop

Topic: The Individual Development Plan (IDP)
Oct 25

Kelly Giovanello, PhD

UNC Chapel Hill

The status of episodic memory in children at familial risk for schizophrenia
Nov 1

No Talk

No Talk
Nov 8

Grainne Fitzsimons, PhD

Duke University

Goal steadiness and motivation
Nov 15

Oriel FeldmanHall, PhD

Brown University

Adaptively navigating our uncertain social worlds

Nov 22

Grace Lindsay, PhD


Modeling the neural mechanisms of attention in artificial neural networks

Dec 6

Amy Osborn, PhD

University of Washington

Visuomotor perturbations in a redundant task evoke diverse learning dynamics and context-dependent learning
Dec 132nd year CCN Student Presentations

Jackie Bao: "Investigating how motivational states and individual differences interact to shape learning behavior and memory outcomes" 

Deborah Cesarini: "Morality in the Real World" 

Ergi Spiro : "Detection-theoretic approach to unsupervised detection of virally-transduced retinal ganglion cells"



Jan 10

Colleen Hanlon, PhD

BrainWay, Inc

"Oops I did it again.... TMS as a tool to improve sobriety and decrease drug and alcohol relapse through modulation of executive control and salience circuitry."

Jan 17

Alex Rosati, PhD

University of Michigan

"The primate origins of human decision making"

Jan 24

Greg Samanez-Larkin, PhD

Duke University

Professional Development: "When to Grit, When to Quit"
Jan 31

Susan Whitfield-Gabrieli, PhD

Northeastern University

"Personalized Network Based Neurofeedback And Neuromodulation in Psychiatric Disorders"
Feb 7

Jesse Rissman, PhD


"Learning in Context: Insights from Virtual Reality and Visual Statistical Learning"

Feb 14

No Talk

No Talk

Feb 21

No Talk

No Talk

Feb 28

Nii Addy, PhD

Yale University

"Addressing Substance Use and Mood Disorders with Neuroscience, Advocacy, and Social Justice Tools"
Mar 7


CNAP Recruiting Weekend
Mar 21

Kevin Weinfurt, PhD

Duke University

"Advancing Health Science Despite the Psychological Quirkiness of Researchers"

Apr 4

Conference organizers: Walter Sinnott-Armstrong, Ph.D. and Liad Madrid

Conference on:  Tests for Consciousness in Humans, other Animals, and AI

Location: JB Duke Hotel (230 Science Drive, Durham)

Apr 113rd Year Student Presentations

Gabriela Fenandez

Joyce Park

Jade Terry

May 23rd Year Student Presentations

Kennedy Coates

Patrick Reyes

Jim Zhang

Past Colloquia


Sept 1

Ann Kennedy, PhD

Northwestern University

Neural population dynamics underlying the regulation of motivated behavior

Sept 8

Professional/Community Development (Trainee Focused)

Topic: R25 Training Grant

This aspect of the Colloquium Series includes talks, workshops, and events to foster community building with CCN students or focus on professional development topics that identify and develop transferable skills to prepare them for careers.

Sept 15

Lynne Nygaard, PhD

Emory University

Sound symbolism and cross-modal correspondences in spoken language

Sept 22

Professional/Community Development (Trainee Focused)

Topic: R25 Training Grant

This aspect of the Colloquium Series includes talks, workshops, and events to foster community building with CCN students or focus on professional development topics that identify and develop transferable skills to prepare them for careers.

Sept 29

Professional/Community Development (Faculty Focused)

Topic: R25 Training Grant

This aspect of the Colloquium Series includes talks, workshops, and events to foster community building with CCN students or focus on professional development topics that identify and develop transferable skills to prepare them for careers.

Oct 6

Roberto Cabeza, PhD

Duke University

Episodic Memory Networks and Representations

Oct 13No Talk 

Oct 20

Brandon Warren, PhD

University of Florida

Neuronal ensembles mediate cocaine-seeking behavior in rats

Oct 27

Shinobu Kitayama, PhD

University of Michigan

Beyond East and West: Does Culture Matter in Understanding the Human Mind?
Nov 3

Danai Fannin, PhD

North Carolina Central University

Culture and Language Differences: Implications for Autism Identification

Nov 10No TalkSFN '24 Conference
Nov 17

No Talk

Nov 24No TalkThanksgiving Holiday
Dec 1

Becket Ebitz, PhD

Université de Montréal

Why do we make mistakes?

Dec 8

CCN Student Presentations

Duke University

Jim Zhang

Patrick Reyes

Kennedy Coates



Jan 12

Ian Dobbins, PhD

Washington University in St. Louis

Social Metamemory: An Emerging Topic of Inquiry

Jan 19

Kristina Nielsen, PhD

Johns Hopkins University

Learning to see motion - development of the ferret's motion pathway

Jan 26

Ruth Barrientos, PhD

Ohio State University

The role of CD8+ T cells in unhealthy diet-induced memory deficits in aged rats
Feb 2

Community & Professional Development Workshop

Topic: The Individual Development Plan (IDP)

Feb 9

Jessica Payne, PhD

University of Notre Dame

The Independent and Interactive Effects of Stress and Sleep on Emotional Memory Formation

Feb 23

Joy Geng, PhD

University of California, Davis

Informational shortcuts in attentional guidance

Mar 1


CNAP Recruiting Weekend - Poster Session
Mar 8

Leah Acker, PhD

Duke University

Delirium in Older Surgery Patients: A Cognitive Neuroscience, Neurobiological, and Multi-Organ System Perspective
Mar 22

Kelly Giovanello, PhD

UNC Chapel Hill

To be rescheduled to the fall.
Apr 5Community & Professional Development WorkshopTopic: TRHT Workshop
Apr 193rd year CCN Student Presentations

- Lucas Bellaiche: "Art therapy and emotion regulation: An investigation of creative engagement's impact on mental health" 

- Paul McKee: "A Unifying Theory for the Motivation of Moral Action: MoMA" 

- Ricardo Morales Torres: "Behavioral and Neural correlates of plausibility in episodic counterfactual thinking"

Apr 26

Elizabeth Margulis, PhD

Princeton University

The Musical Imagination
May 33rd year CCN Student Presentations

- Nimesha Gerlus: “Characterizing misophonia: an analysis of structural and functional features” 

- Jane Rothrock: "The impact of depressed cognition on memory specificity" 



Sept 2

12-1:30 pm

Faculty Panel


Professional Development: Publishing and Funding Insider Knowledge Q&A Panel

(Trainee Focused)
Sept 9

Society for Neuroscience

North Carolina Triangle

Annual Neuroscience Meeting 2022 (Embassy Suites Raleigh Durham RTP)
Sept 16

Tim Dunn


3D body movement profiling as a platform for understanding the nervous system
Sept 23

Bradley Goldstein


Adult neurogenesis in human olfactory epithelium: implications for managing olfactory sensory losses
Sept 30

Nina Kraus

(Northwestern University)

Of Sound Mind

(via Zoom: https://bit.ly/CCN-Kraus)

Oct 7No Talk 

Oct 14

12-1:30 pm

Darla Deardorff &

Jayne Ifekwunigwe

(Center for Truth, Racial Healing & Transformation)
Story Circle
Oct 21

David Lydon-Staley

(University of Pennsylvania)
Enriching our understanding of health and well-being by intensively sampling daily life
Oct 28

Zachariah Reagh

(Washington University)
Representing and remembering our structured world
Nov 4Second Year CCN StudentsStudent Presentations
Nov 11No Talk 
Nov 18

Arielle Tambini

(University of California, Irvine)
Rescheduled to Spring 2023
Dec 2

Taraz Lee

(University of Michigan)
The multifaceted impact of reward and cognitive control on skilled action
Dec 9Second Year CCN StudentsStudent Presentations



Jan 13

Mengsen Zhang, PhD

University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill

Unmasking multistable dynamics in social interaction, brain activity, and stimulation

Jan 27

Megan Peters, PhD

University of California, Irvine

The cognitive and computational neuroscience of metacognition and awareness

Feb 3

12:00 - 1:30 pm

  • Shana Hall (Limbix)
  • Laura Thomas (NIMH)
  • Kathrina Robotham (Catalyst) 
  • Brenda Yang (Instagram)
Professional Development Seminar: Industry Careers (trainee focused)
Feb 17

Maureen Ritchey, PhD

Boston College

The diversity of episodic memory: Cognitive and brain processes influencing what we remember about the past

Feb 24

Nicole Calakos, MD, PhD

Duke University

New insights to the role of dopaminergic-cholinergic signaling and their impact for learning and memory

Mar 3

Monica Rosenberg, PhD

University of Chicago

Characterizing attention dynamics with functional brain dynamics
Mar 24

Danai Fannin, PhD

North Carolina Central University


Culture and Language Differences: Implications for Autism Identification

Apr 14

Kevin LaBar, PhD

Duke University

Cognitive reappraisal of emotion in the lab, clinic, and real world
Apr 28

Tobias Egner, PhD

Duke University

Principles of Cognitive Control over Task Focus and Task Switching

May 5

André Fenton, PhD

New York University

Cognition in the noise: remembering, remapping, and reframing cognition dynamics
May 123rd year CCN Student Presentations

1. Discovering Neural Algorithms for Song Learning in the Zebra Finch by Miles Martinez

2. Cortical Dimensions Supporting Mnemonic Semantic Factors by Matthew Slayton

3. Hippocampal functions modulate transfer-appropriate cortical representations supporting subsequent memory by Shenyang Huang

4. TBD by Morgan Ferrans

Watch past seminar talks

Spring 2022

Fall 2021